Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Madison Turns 7!!

This past Saturday we had a birthday party for Madison. Her birthday was actually on Monday the 7th but in order to get the family together we had it on Saturday. It turned out to be so much fun. We ate pizza and lasagne, decorated cookies, opened presents and ate a delicious ice cream cake coutresy of Dairy Queen. Everything was delicious and everyone had a great time. I still cant believe that Madison is 7!!! She has grown up so fast. She is a such a sweet well mannered little girl. She loves school and she cant hold still to save her life:) We sure do love her!!! Karter enjoying some cake:) for some reason Karter decided to be the red power ranger for the party!!

Madison after Laci shoved her head in her cake. Laci always shoves the kid's faces in their birthday cakes. They love it. The funny thing about Madison's cake is it was made of ice cream so it was really hard. Her head just bounced off the cake.

Her head bouncing off her cake:)

Blowing out her candles

Her pretty cake!! We were going to do a Candyland cake but I didnt think that all the candy on top of the cake would taste very good so we just got this one from Dairy Queen. They did a great job and she loved it so that was all that mattered

She recruited her two friends that came to her party as her "present helpers"

After opening her Nintendo DS from mom and dad. Her reaction was priceless. Needless to say she loved ALL of her presents

Charlie and Dakota enjoying the sugar cookies

Madison and the two friends that she invited to her party enjoying some cookies. These girls are too cute

All the kids hanging out and having some fun

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